How to give a perfect Product Demo to prospective customers?
Here are 5 steps to give a perfect Product Demo to prospective customers
1: Know your customer
Find out the business issues faced by the customer, how they are solving the problem today, what solutions they are using. is there a time-frame they are looking to solve the problem and if they have a budget. Note: Budget and time-frame to purchase are very important – if there is no budget, it is a lot harder to sell.
2: Make a great first impression
Your prospective customers don’t care who you are, how big you are or how great you are, unless you can solve their business problems. The only reason they are engaging with you is to find out if you can help them. Answer to that need first, nothing else!
3: Don’t burden them with too much information
Don’t bury the customer with information, keep it simple. As someone correctly said peel the onion one layer at a time! Stuff for the economical buyer (financial viability, your revenues etc.) or for the technical buyer (technology underpinnings etc.) can come later – not in the first demo.
4: Show only your product’s top 3 features in the demo!
You must be already aware of your customer’s needs (from point no. 1). If you want to set yourself apart from your competition – focus on top 3 key selling points in the demo. Demonstrate how these features work and their value. If you try to sell your audience on everything your product can do, you will quickly lose their interest. Clear and concise content gets straight to the point and gives your prospects the information they need to make an informed decision.
5. Ditch the Flashy images & show the real product
Don’t spend too much time on flashy images and jargon. Once you have determined your three key selling points, let prospects see these features and understand how it works. The sooner you get to what potential buyers want to know, the closer you get to a closed deal.
If you are recording your demo, maximize its ROI by leveraging it across multiple platforms and within various campaigns. Building a product-centric demo that clearly communicates the value of your product, helps keep everyone on the same page while effectively showcasing your product to prospects.